
This unit is marked in a certain way where we present our work and are given feedback so that we are able to improve our work before the final deadline submission in May.

Today, we had the presentation where everyone presented their work and our lecturers gave feedback.

The feedback that I was given was that the animation within my production wasn't very strong, which I was already aware of. One of my lecturers offered to give me guidance on how I can improve the animation therefore I will be attending my lecture in a couple of days so that I am able to improve this aspect.

The other constructive criticism that I received was that the final scene with the elephant was poor and it brought down the animation, I was advised to use a photo instead. Initially, I was going to use a photo however I thought it would appear to be lazy and that I should attempt to produce a scene but I do agree that a photo would be visually stronger.

I did receive positive feedback regarding the aesthetics of my animation and the colour palettes that I have used.

As I have put a lot of time and effort into this project, I am going to dedicate more time to it to ensure that I achieve the highest quality that I am able to. I am feeling positive that with guidance from my lecturers, I will be able to do so.

I have already sourced photos to use instead of the final scene, of which are highly disturbing and add to the impact of the overall animation.

Project Reflection

This project has been a huge journey for me and definitely my favourite at this point in my degree. I have learnt so much and continuously developed my skills throughout and have surprised myself with what I was able to achieve. Firstly, I think that the topic was a contributing factor to my enjoyment as the charity WWF represents something I am extremely passionate about. I find it easier to motivate myself and to focus on a project when it is something I am passionate about or enjoy and I think this is evident within the final production.

Another positively helpful aspect was my genuine enjoyment for the creation of 3D productions. I personally find creating 3D environments exciting and gratifying and it is definitely my preferred field within animation.

The reason that I wanted to use 3D was to showcase my 3D modelling and texturing skills of which I have seen definite improvement during the course of this project when comparing to previous projects.

I think that the most significant improvement is my texturing skills. I was introduced to shaders last year and I found the concept overwhelming and didn't full understand however, I now feel that I have a good understanding and can confidently create my own shaders and textures. I do still feel that I have a lot to learn but I think comprehending the basic concept is usually the biggest hurdle for me personally.

I am also quite proud of my organisational skills and motivation within this project. I have dedicated a lot of time and effort into this project, I have slowly and properly followed the production process so that my work has not been rushed in order to achieve a higher quality. By doing so it has made me aware of the importance of the order of the process, I previously would have neglected certain aspects until after the production which renders them pointless; there is no point designing the environment after you have modelled it.

I also learnt the importance of reference, you can not rely on your memory or conceptions of an object for an example, you need to reference in order to produce something accurate.