Modelling - Day 2

I am continuing working on my nursery scene, I have modelled the drawers using the 'insert edge loop' tool and the extrude tool to manipulate the cube. I have applied a white Blinn material as I am aiming for a white varnished wood appearance. Like this for example:

I modelled the drawers based on the drawers in my concept design. I have also modelling more of the crib, again I have modelled this based on my concept but also used different reference images such as the example above. This is the result so far:

I have also placed a round shape and created a 'mirror' shader and applied it. I was intrigued to see how
simple it would be and surprisingly it was pretty straightforward! Again, I searched how to create a 'mirror' material on Google and came across this forum with the answer

If so create a phong or blinn, change the colour to black, up the reflectivity to 1 and assign it to the object that you want, make sure that you have an environment for the mirror to reflect either by connecting an image to the reflected colour or by putting the object inside an environment and enabling raytracing, otherwise you wont get any reflections (since there wont be anything to reflect).

This produced the mirror material that I was hoping to achieve. I have also applied a chrome material to the frame of the crib and the handles to the drawers, this can be found under the mia_material preset. I am also experimenting with soft furnishing materials as I do not currently know how to achieve the appearance of fabric and am having difficulty obtaining information on how to create such shaders. 

I decided to look into creating a rug as I have previously created this rug seen in this scene:

But this increased the rendering time as I used fur therefore I wanted to use a different method as I want to keep the rendering time as low as I can without lowering the level of quality. I came across this tutorial and altered it to produce a rug with individuality.

I am very pleased with this result as it simulates a woven rug texture which was the visual I was aiming for. I think that it fits in well with the floor as they are both the same level of 'realistic'. 

I have also been experimenting with creating a realistic glass shader however I have not yet achieved a result that I am happy with but am pleased with my progress so far. 

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